A portfolio of tax solutions made just for you.

AkuSuite: Tax Software By Clarus Partners

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Clear and Concise Tax Software Solutions By Clarus Partners


The only tax software solutions in the industry created and serviced by tax professionals.


Exemption Certification Management System that is user-friendly and simplifies audit preparation with just a click of a button.

Maintaining valid exemption certificates remains critical to reducing your company’s audit liability risk. It constitutes audit defense 101. AkuCert is designed to streamline and optimize your certificate management processes. Say goodbye to forgotten, and likely expired, paper copies of exemption certificates stuffed in file cabinets. Then say hello to efficiency, accuracy, and compliance with AkuCert. Your critical software solution for exemption certificate management.



So much more than a Business License Management System. If it's a document that has a deadline and a fee associated with running your business, we can handle it for you with confident service and value.

AkuLicense centralizes and simplifies the compliance process for businesses handling licenses, permits, registrations, and annual reports. Thus allowing you to focus on managing and growing your business without the burden of keeping up with over 160K governing authorities nationwide. The business license and permitting process often decentralizes, robbing businesses of visibility. In many cases then increasing the risk that renewals are missed or at least delayed. Our AkuLicense software and our business license management solution overall solves those issues. 

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You want accurate sales and use, as well as goods and services tax. With AkuCalc, you're ensured full compliance. It's easy to use, real-time, and automatic.
AkuCalc is a simple to use tax calculation engine that ensures fast and accurate sales tax calculations in all US jurisdictions. AkuCalc empowers businesses with flexibility and efficiency across all industries. This software offers companies that sell products and services with straightforward taxability a robust and effective taxing engine. All without having to pay for behind-the-scenes research for the thousands of nuanced exemptions. None of which your company even needs!